Our Programmes

Averroes Programme

Abū 'l-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Rushd (known just as Ibn Rushd (and in European literature as Averroes (1126–1198), was an Andalusian: a master of early Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology, Maliki law and jurisprudence, logic, psychology, Arabic music theory, and the sciences of medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics and physics. He was born in Córdoba, modern day Spain, and died in Marrakech, modern day Morocco. Ibn Rushd's works were spread over 20,000 pages covering a variety of different subjects, including early Islamic philosophy, logic in Islamic philosophy, Arabic medicine, Arabic mathematics, Arabic astronomy, Arabic grammar, Islamic theology, Sharia (Islamic law), and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). In particular, his most important works dealt with Islamic philosophy, medicine and Fiqh. He wrote at least 67 original works, which included 28 works on philosophy, 20 on medicine, 8 on law, 5 on theology, and 4 on grammar, in addition to his commentaries on most of Aristotle's works and his commentary on Plato's The Republic. Most of the original Greek works were reintroduced during the 14th -17th century European renaissance through translations of Arabic manuscripts written by people like Geber, Abulcasis, Alhacen, Avicenna, Avempace, and Averroes. Thus Al-Razi has been a true bridge between the East and the West. He has been described as the founding father of secular thought in Western Europe. Therefore, we have aptly named our community and academic learning programme after him.

Our Averroes programme envisages to organize seminars, discussions, publish papers and organize research on bilateral issues affecting the growth and human development in the countries lying across the Silk Route. In due course we shall set-up Averroes Advanced Learning Academies (AALA – meaning great in Arabic) across the countries to provide access to modern professional education to people .

Marco Polo – Ibn Batuta Programme

Marco Polo (1254– 1324/1325) was a trader and explorer from the Venetian Republic who travelled across the Silk Route. He was one of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Route to China (which he called Cathay, after the Khitan) and visit Kublai Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty. He traveled overland through Persia across the Pamirs and south of the Taklamakan; his return was by sea from China around south Asia to Hormuz, whence he went overland to the Mediterranean. Polo's book became well known in Renaissance Europe and served as a stimulus to further travel and discovery.

A native of Tangier (Morocco), Shams al-Din Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Batuta (1304-1368/9 or 1377) is famous for spending the years between 1325 and 1354, when he returned home, traveling across North Africa and through much of Eurasia, all the way to China.

While Marco Polo travelled mostly on land, Ibn Batuta took sea voyages to explore the countries across Silk Route. Between them, they laid the foundation of Silk Route expansion to the ‘spice route’. To honour their efforts, our adventure, fun, arts, and culture programme is named after them.

It has been established that cultural awareness is a necessary attribute when nurturing bilateral relations and/or economic interaction between nations. Under its Marco Polo – Ibn Batuta programme , the Foundation will promote cultural exchange by organising and/or sponsoring cultural events, travel expeditions, book releases, photo and art exhibitions, fashion shows, film festivals, etc.

Saudagar Programme

Saudagar (meaning trader) is a word used in Urdu, Hindi, Persian, Turkmen, and Uzbek – languages spoken in many countries lying on the ancient Silk Route. That is why our business-to-business programme is called Saudagar. Our Saudagar programme would include :

People-to-people contact through trade fares, seminars and talk shows, where the focus is upon topics of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. It will also host interactive sessions where Silk Route countries’ Ambassadors can present the opportunities within their respective country to members and other guests.

Maintaining and sharing business information banks.

Silk Route Foundation Resource & Information Programme

Besides seminars and talk shows as mentioned above, the Foundation will maintain a quarterly newsletter – Carvanserai – where members and other eminent personalities will contribute articles.

Resources and Information Program:

Silk Route Foundation Web Site (www.silk-route.com): The Silk Route Foundation provides resources and a link to information about the Silk Route, Inner Asia and Central Asia through the Silk Route Foundation web site.

Library: Foundation is building a collection of books and reference material that can be used to further research and for knowledge about the Silk Route, Inner Asia, and Central Asia.

Translation and Publication: The Silk Route Foundation is in the early stage of translating select scholars' research for publication and dissemination.

Exhibit and Display (Museum): The Silk Route Foundation is building a collection of art, costumes, instruments, and goods that will bring the world closer to experiencing the past and present Silk Route culture.

Documentary The Silk Route Foundation plans to sponsor a series of documentaries on various Silk Route and Inner Asia subject matter.